Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Saturday 10 April 2010

The truth is out there

I saw some UFOs last night on my way home.
OK, I'm a rational human being so I know they were probably aeroplanes but it was quite strange. As I approached my house I could see, over the roof, four very bright orange lights in a crescent formation. They were spread out across about thirty degrees of the visible sky and moving in a very precise arc. I walked around the back of the house where I could see them more clearly. The sky was completely clear and all the stars visible. There was no cloud cover and visibility was perfect. I called my Dad out to look at them.
"Helicopters?" he suggested, but there was no noise at all. If they had been low enough to be helicopters we'd have heard them. If they were aircraft they were high enough to be effectively silent.
As we watched them wheel around the furthest one away dimmed and faded and disappeared.
"Gone behind a cloud?" suggested Dad. But there were no clouds and those stars behind and around them were still as clear as they'd ever been.
Then the nearest and brightest also faded and disappeared leaving just two. As they continued around the curve one of them faded and vanished, then the other.

They were probably aeroplanes but I've never seen aeroplanes follow a flight path like this one or aeroplanes showing such a bright, single orange light. And I've certainly never seen such a display of synchronised vanishing.

So, that's UFOs off the list. Next I'll be looking for ghosts.

1 comment:

David Love said...

They were probably in search of intelligent life forms to obliterate. Fortunately they materialised over Bradley.

Altogether now ... wah wah wah woh waahh

Evol Divad