Since I started this blog I have, on various occasions, written posts about education - both in England (where I worked when I started it) and in China (where I work now).
This page collects together links to all of those posts.
Telling lies for a living.
Age Banding:A really bad idea
So tell me again-how did you become a teacher?
So, what were we testing?
The cult of the individual and other educational disasters
Here we go again (providing we can look up the times)
Five a day....aaaaarrrggghhhhhhh!
One take on take
Sometimes they just don't think it through.
The passive voice is known to me
Oh dear, he's ranting again
Here we go again
Another (mini-)rant
Data driven to distraction
Time for a rethink on the CRB process
Not really arant, more a sigh of despair
Surrogate outcomes in education
They keep on proving me wrong
Scratches head
Daft question, great answer
Woo-oo, another euducational rant
Not certain what it means, but certain thatit's not good
Some reflections
Some more reflections
I'm not just a lone voice
One example of how they make life difficult for students
Teachers' Day
School Life in China
School Life redux
Making plans in China
How to fail as a foreign teacher in China
On one page
On one page addendum
What should I tell him?
Suzhou rap sounds like it has a French accent
12 hours ago