Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Monday 6 July 2009


It seems there's a sequel to Donnie Darko, one of my all time favourite weird movies. I like weird movies. I'm known for it. Hell, I saw The Naked Lunch. In the cinema. I was the only person there. Anyway, there is apparently a sequel called S. Darko, set seven years later and featuring the now teenage sister of Donnie from the original movie.
As I only heard of it yesterday I thought I'd go on line and check what it was all about. What I found was the worst collection of reviews I have ever seen for a movie. A couple managed to find isolated good points but the majority pan it to an almost unprecedented degree.

"I can't review this film properly because I can't make any goddamn sense of it!"
"like tuning into last week’s “Lost” episode without having ever seen another episode"
"I know what the “S” stands for in S. Darko."
"The worst offense? The film is flat-out boring."
"S. DARKO makes a point of not answering any questions that Kelly didn’t, but adding such fresh twists makes the new film too convoluted."
"the story and the characters are just not compelling at all."
"so inferior to the original that it’s destined to be forgotten in a matter of months"

are just a few of the kinder things that are said about it.

The question is this, is my love of weirdness perverse enough to make be buy and watch this movie? That of course, like the movie, remains to be seen.

1 comment:

robert said...

As I haven't heard about that movie before am looking forward to your comments about seeing it.
With regard to 'perversity', tried once to create a blog where I could confess what else wouldn't be allowed to say respectively being heard by those who know me...soon afterwards was afraid of my courage...wish you a nice start into the new week.