Today is the end of the world (so say the believers in the Mayan calendar, at any rate).
As a poet I can't let such an occasion pass uncelebrated so here is my poem for the apocalypse.
The End of The World: A Poem for the Apocalypse
So this is the end of the world
and this is the last poem,
sent out into the darkness,
forgotten words on a fluttering paper –
as infinite and empty
as the Universe itself.
So this is the end of the world
and this is the last poem,
unknown, unloved and unread
the poets last immortal gasp, then silence –
an unvoiced dead language
for a dead eternity.
So this is the end of the world,
and this is the last poem,
surviving the apocalypse,
outlasting every other word in every tongue –
this, and only this, lives on
in memoriam.
So this is the end of the world,
and this is the la
Linguistics bibliography roundup
2 hours ago