Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Friday 2 July 2010

Ongoing #43

This poem is only loosely connected. The doodle shows dracula and a bat. I couldn't think of a poem about either so this one is about a slightly related topic.

The Monster

"There isn't a monster under the bed!"
That's what my mother always said.
"There isn't a monster under the bed!"
But what do mothers know?

"Of course there's a monster under the bed!"
That's what my brother always said.
"Of course there's a monster under the bed,
And he's nibbling on your toe."

"There might be a monster under the bed."
That's what my father always said.
"There might be a monster under the bed
Who wants to be your friend."

"It's a terrible monster under the bed."
That's what my brother always said.
"Such a terrible monster under the bed.
He'll eat you end to end."

"There isn't a monster under the bed!"
Lying awake, that's what I said.
"There isn't a monster under the bed."
But I knew I didn't believe.

"Of course there's a monster under the bed!"
From under the bed, the monster said.
"Of course there's a monster under the bed
And I have no plans to leave."


David Love said...

Thought you'd like to know that this one has just had a high approval rating from my work colleagues.


Bob Hale said...

Really? I like it but it's a bit kind of "Children's Book of Verse",isn't it?

David Love said...

That, of course, is the appeal. Or, probably, it's the way I told it!
