Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Decision Making for Dummies

I'm not sure how it works but, for me, it's always worked the same way. When I have a decision to make I don’t actually make it. I sort out the options in my mind and leave them there. They float around like bits of carrot in a vegetable soup, occasionally popping to the surface before sinking again, until eventually I become aware of them.
At some point - often, I confess, when alcohol has been involved in the process - things become suddenly clear and I find the decision has been made without my needing to give it conscious thought.
Just such a decision popped into my head about an hour ago. And, before you ask, yes, alcohol was involved in the process. A beer and two brandies to be precise. Not enough alcohol for me to actually tell you what the decision was but enough for me to realise that I had made it. What it is has to remain confidential for reasons that will be obvious when it no longer needs to be confidential. However, those who know me well enough will know enough to have more than an inkling.
I shall act upon the decision on Monday morning, the earliest possible opportunity.
Life-changing things are afoot. 
It isn’t a done deal - sobriety has an unfortunate habit of dampening the enthusiasm - but, barring unforeseen complications, the decision has been made.
For those of you who may be able to deduce what it is, I have to remind you that this blog has comment moderation enabled and while it is sub judice I won’t be authorising any comments. Comment away. They will be authorised later if appropriate. Possibly much later.
Private email is an entirely different matter and will be answered. If you don't have my private email address, then, frankly, I shouldn't think you'd be terribly interested anyway.

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