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1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Friday 30 April 2010

Ongoing #33

The doodle that goes with this shows two mountain climbers roped together. The poem is about another famous duo, and what they might have done once they were no longer quite as powerful.


Tony said to George, one day when feeling blue,
"Out of office, in disgrace, what is a man to do?"
George replied to Tony, "My time too has run out.
There must be another challenge, that's what life's about."
They were sitting in glum silence, pondering the task
Of finding purpose for their lives, when George took out a mask.
"Tony," he said "You know, we can put the world to rights.
What is your opinion of dressing up in tights?"
"As a prostitute?" asked Tony, "Can't say I fancy that.
Or do you mean perhaps I'll be Robin to your Bat?"
George shook his head and said, "There's one more thing that's left.
We'll be great as tag-team wrestlers in the Dubya-Dubya-Eff."
Tony looked confused. He wasn't into sport,
And World Wildlife Fund was the first thing that he thought.
George explained in detail about careers in the ring,
And tony said "OK - I can't refuse you anything."
So now the tour the world, dressed in Red-White-Blue,
And bill themselves on posters as "The Terror-Busting Crew."
But they have a rival team who may bring them to book
Abu-Hamza and Bin Laden, billed as "Hook and Crook".

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