Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Ongoing #34


I had skipped over one of the doodles in book because try as I might I couldn't get an idea for a poem from it. It shows a man in a T-shirt that says "Dog Walker". He has  nine dog leads. The dogs haven't been drawn and that's the bit you are supposed to doodle. 
I came at it from all angles but with no success. 
Then I thought of this. It took a few hours to develop into something sensible, especially trying to find a logical way to sequence the verses and the last verse that wrapped up the poem.

This is what I came up with.

Pets I never had

I never had a dog.
I never had a cat.
I never had a budgie or a fish.
I never had a gerbil,
Didn't even have a rat,
And though I had a rabbit it was served up in a dish.

I never had a parrot,
A canary or a mouse.
I never had a spider or a snake.
I asked once for a ferret
They wouldn't have it in the house
Though I briefly had a wasp until it stung me by mistake.

I never had a lion,
A giraffe or a gnu.
I never had a shark or manta ray.
I never had a crocodile
A wolf or caribou
And when I had a daddy-longlegs it died after a day

I never had a phoenix
Or a dragon, though I think
A dragon fly once fluttered round with hope
And if I'd had a kraken
I'd have kept it in the sink
And let it guard the plug, shampoo and soap.

No, I never had a pet
Of any kind, you see
Though I often begged for one from mother.
All she'd ever say
When she had to answer me
Was, "What do we want a pet for? We've got you and your brother."

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