Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Ongoing #35

First a brief catch up for anyone coming in late.
"Ongoing" is so called because I keep on starting poetry projects and then abandoning them. The name is to remind me that the project shouldn't be abandoned arbitrarily, though there have been various hiaituses when inspiration or time has been lacking.
What is the project?
I bought a book called "The Telephone Doodle Book". It contains page after page of partly drawn doodles for you to complete while you are kept waiting on hold on the phone. You may buy a copy and do just that if you wish. Personally I am using the doodles as springboards for poems, to give me ideas of things to write about. Check out the previous 34 entries on the subject.

The next doodle shows people working in an operating theatre. It inspired me to complete a half written poem that's been sitting in my work-in-progress file for over a year.

Building A Monster

I'm building a monster from left over parts.
The head of a cabbage will do for a start
And the eye of a needle will give him sharp sight
While the nose of a fine vintage wine smells just right.
There's the mouth of a river and two ears of corn
And the neck of a bottle when the cork has been drawn.
Here's the ottoman chest from the side of my bed
And the spine of a book should hold up his head.
I have ten fine fish fingers and the hands of a clock
On the arms of a coat (though it might be a smock).
To the hips of a rose I'll join the legs of a chair
And stand them upon the foot of a stair.

Yes I'm building a monster from left over parts
And the only things missing are the brain and the heart.
Yes the only things missing are the heart and the brain
And if I can't find them, well I'll just start again.

1 comment:

Friko said...

your monster is fine as it is.
I have it on good authority that monsters have neither brain nor heart as a general rule; they wouldn't be monsters otherwise.