Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
isn't it about time we let bygones be bygones? I mean really, it's been over forty years now. Don't you think this silly business about not speaking to each other has gone on for quite long enough? I realise that it was mostly my fault. You must have been offended when I said I didn't believe in you but, as I told you shortly afterwards, I didn't mean it the way you interpreted it. Of course I didn't mean that I didn't believe in your existence. That would be silly. It would be like saying that I don't believe in bankers' bonuses. Of course you exist, just as they do.
Actually I've just realised that you might misinterpret that too. You might take it to mean that even though I acknowledge that you, like bankers' bonuses, exist, I am saying that you, like them, shouldn't. That's not what I mean at all. Even if you didn't exist, you should. What I meant when I said that I didn't believe in you was that I'd lost a bit of faith in your ability to deliver, after all it's a big job that you do. It's pretty much the same thing that I mean when I say I don't believe in the current Government. (In their case not only don't I believe in them, I also don't believe them, but that's a whole different kettle of fish.)
Anyway, to get back to the matter in hand. I'm sorry that I didn't leave you any mince pies that year either. The sherry you'll have to blame on my Dad. I was too young to be allowed to leave that for you.
You haven't stopped off at my place for such a long time now that you've probably forgotten where it is but why don't you forget about the past and call in this year? I promise I'll leave you a mince pie or two and these days I have a well stocked drinks cabinet - please feel free to help yourself. If you'd prefer a beer there's some in the cupboard in the kitchen - quite a decent selection of real ale, actually.

Don't worry about finding the house, the neighbours have kids and they've put up those little signs in the garden saying "Santa Please Stop Here". While you are round delivering little Zak and Lucy's presents it should be easy enough to pop next door to me.

I suppose I ought to say what I want, though that seems a bit like it's the reason I'm trying to make amends. You might have seen on this blog that I'm getting all nostalgic lately for things like Spirograph and Etch-A-Sketch and it would be nice to get them. If you can see your way to something like that it would be nice, but mostly what I'd like is more readers for this blog. And of course for my other blog - the one with all the photographs. I know it's a bit of a long shot asking for something like this , but it's worth a try. You don't even have to gift wrap them.

Anyway, whether you can manage or not it would be grate to see you again so if you want to pop in on Christmas Eve, there will be a warm welcome for you.

All the best.


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