Blog News

1. Comments are still disabled though I am thinking of enabling them again.

2. There are now several extra pages - Poetry Index, Travel, Education, Childish Things - accessible at the top of the page. They index entires before October 2013.

3. I will, in the next few weeks, be adding new pages with other indexes.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Mixed Messages

It's not a film I am likely to see but I was confused by a review I read of the DVD for Transformers 2:Revenge of the Fallen.
It starts by saying that it's a "turbo-charged, special-effects saturated" film that "surpasses its predecessor in every way" and finishes by saying that it's a "tedious rehash of the first film that overstays its welcome by about 90 minutes."
Did they like it or not?

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